Benchmark your parcel rates to similar shippers
See how your rates compare to other shippers your size. Get the real numbers in a video analysis, a calculation of current overspend and review trends with dedicated, full-time parcel negotiators. Get your free report.
Easy operational improvements
Fortune 500 shippers use gl coding to find cost reductions, reduce fraud and build budgets. Pour some love into freight accounting.
Get an action plan
Enterprise customers save time with action plans :: custom build specifications,
focused on delivering low-cost routing procedures and measured cost reductions.
focused on delivering low-cost routing procedures and measured cost reductions.
The Billing Add-on difference
Completely scalable
Meets the needs of even the world’s largest companies, Billing Add-on offers multiple products designed to scale with your business all in one powerful package.
Flexible pricing
Flexible pricing terms make it effortless for any business to use Billing Add-on.
Stop anytime
There is no obligation, so you can stop your savings at any time with zero cancellation fees or penalties.
Automatic savings
Billing Add-on immediately goes to work securing transportation savings for your business. New cost-saving opportunities for your business are highlighted by benchmarking data and assessing current shipping spend.
Billing Add-on is the most powerful, transportation cost management platform ever built.
Ready to get started? Create an account to see your savings.