Working in the e-commerce space, there’s hardly a day off. Swamped with shipments, we’ve all experienced the inevitable headache that comes with managing daily inbound and outbound packages. Seamless shipment logistics are an important part of business, but the shipping world can be quite complex with unnoticed residential fees, overcharges, invalid Saturday delivery and billing errors. As a business owner, you’re dedicated to shipping out high-quality products with trusted turnaround times, but could you be shipping profits out the door too?
There are overcharges, mistakes and late delivered packages on many UPS, DHL and FedEx invoices 365 days out of the year, but these overcharges on shipments are easy to overlook. Who has time to hassle with contacting shipping carriers on individual errors? That’s where Billing Add-on comes in. This app, now available within the Lightspeed app store, can be installed in minutes and will help you save money on shipping.
Dollars returned to your business. Time added back in your day.
You wouldn’t allow a grocery store clerk to charge you for an item not in your cart, so why allow carriers to overcharge you? Billing Add-on reviews each shipment by the most up-to-date technology that’s designed to save you money on shipping. If there’s a billing mistake, Billing Add-on identifies it during an audit performed on each shipment.

The disputes are handled automatically with the required information to return 100% of the refund to your business. The resulting refunds are posted to the shipping accounts and applied to shipping invoices in the form of credits. Billing Add-on even handles the claims for lost or damaged shipments too. Billing Add-on works in the background to ensure your small business retains every possible dollar you deserve while you focus on building your brand and providing excellent customer care.
A platform you can trust to instantly recover your savings.
Billing Add-on does all the work without you having to lift a finger. In a nutshell, with Billing Add-on on your side you get:
- Free money. This app finds and secures refunds when you’ve paid too much for shipping, and shares the savings delivered. Hence the name: Billing Add-on. By design, you can only save money.
- No strings attached setup. After providing your login credentials to your shipping accounts, you can get the first refunds in as little as just 5 minutes. No software to install or changes are required on your end.
- Zero out-of-pocket expenses. There are no enrollment or subscription fees, the only cost is a 50-50 split of refunds secured back to your shipping accounts.
- Intuitive reporting. Real-time charts and graphs showcase all shipping, auditing and refunding activities on your shipping accounts. Weekly emails keep you ahead of the curve.
Questions on how to integrate Billing Add-on into your business? Follow the directions shared here. For a rapidly expanding business, you don’t need any unnecessary obstacles slowing you down. Add the Billing Add-on app to your Lightspeed store to maximize productivity and see dollars pile up weekly through incorporating world-class technology into your business.