Wealth management parcel audit​

The wealth management industry can be quite the whirlwind at times. As client-centered wealth managers you focus on meeting needs and wants through suggesting appropriate financial products and services to your clients. As a wealth management firm, accurate and timely shipments to clients and businesses are important. Every day time-sensitive documents with proprietary information are forwarded from your firm. Between helping a client financially plan for retirement to advising a client on lucrative investments, you have limited time to monitor individual shipments. That’s where Billing Add-on comes in.

Weekly reports showcase success

Pulling invoices fast
Quicker Billing Add-on report downloads

Increase revenue and save time

Eliminate lost shipping dollars


You increase your client’s wealth. Billing Add-on increases your revenue.

Overcharges on shipments are hard to catch. Who has the time to hassle with carriers on individual shipment errors? Billing Add-on does all the work for you with a comprehensive audit assessing each individual charge that is billed to a shipment to ensure accuracy. Refunds are automatically applied as credits to your shipping invoices. And once those savings have been secured Billing Add-on reports on the success in real-time. Billing Add-on believes every lost dollar deserves to be returned to your business.
It’s all upside for your firm. You collect up to 6% in refunds that you’re likely not collecting currently, and Billing Add-on splits the savings secured by Billing Add-on, 50-50. You won’t find any onboarding fees or monthly subscription costs. It’s a risk-free solution that guarantees 100% of your refund. Signup today and see how Billing Add-on can help you get more done in less time.

Shipping is 50% more expense than it was 10 years ago.

Overnight letters delivered late are eligible for a full refund on shipping costs.

Billing Add-on is the leader at automatically securing credits from FedEx, UPS and DHL.

Tradeshows, client packets, normal operations. If it ships, Billing Add-on can get a refund on it.

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